Piramidi di Zone
25050   Zone

Sightseeing on the Pyramids in Zone

Pyramids on the lake

View on the lake from the Pyramids in Zone


Picnic area Guided paths


The pyramids in Zone are popularly called “fairy rocks”, but their scientific name is in fact “erosion pyramids”. It’s an impressive natural phenomenon, a unique sample in Valle Camonica. The pyramids are located in Cislano, in the town of Zone, 600 meters above the sea level. The pyramids are in fact rock steeples (about 30 meters high) with a kind of rock hat on the top. Steeples are originated by the water erosion. The phenomenon offers an attractive evidence of the ancient glacier, which covered the whole area in the past era. The erosion process is ongoing, and we can observe it even on a decade basis. New specimen are originated and some are destroyed, so that the whole place is surrounded by canyons. Entrance is free, and there is a short circuit really easy to travel.

Erosion pyramids

The rock pyramids

Suggested period of year:
All year, but Autumn is better, because of the colours of the nature.

Igm 25m (V), 34 III NE

Guides available. Please contact the Comunità Montana in Sale Marasino, via Roma 41. Telephone # 030 - 9867037

Info center
Contact the municipality of Zone, via Monte Guglielmo 42. Telephone # 030 - 9870913